21 May: You came up my house this afternoon after serving CIP doing Beach Cleaning at Changi. Proceeded t Yewchong’s house, with Eugene and Nicholas coming shortly after just t charge th latter’s mobile& th both of ‘em then left for work.

Dinner at Rivervale Plaza’s KFC Kentucky was next for Yewchong and you, with Daryl watching by a side. He, did not join us heading over your crib after th early meal, hence there was only th three of us.

Collected your bus fare ticket and folded a heart, like always. This time, I was really flattered by your silly actions:
First, you placed th piece of paper into your mouth, biting and swallowing it down his throat. While I, on th other hand stared in shock. Then, you gave a toothy grin and added in, ‘This will go into my heart.’
Oh. My. God. ^^v Y’know just a such lil act of yours, touched my heart making it melt, making my love for you proven worthy. When will this happen again?

My shorts tore because you told me t climb over th fence while th sharp part poke threw, you carried me down and kept covering th hole. So many embarrassing stuffs happened t me, in front of you. Did some of my revision in your room, while th other hottie-toots watched muvees from Yewchong’s discs.

Bus62 home around seven.