18 May: You took a cab down t Deyi Secondary, picked me up and we hailed a cab back t my house. You, waited patiently for me t finish my ‘quick’ shower while playing my M-Toy. Had a fast and easy lunch cooked by Pami, Douglas came down and we walked over t Block113 together.

Met up with Weifeng, Wei Boon and Derrick. Weifeng’s lodge was next as you wanted t charge his phone, and fell asleep on his bed. Th next minute when I opened my eyes was when I had a shock because my phone ringed as P-I-L-O called t look for you.

Before leaving, I had a great time spent with you like some insane doofs. :/ You then piggybacked me down t Block113, by that time Zanna, Sheena and Daven were already there. Rivervale Plaza’s KFC Kentucky was th next destination for your lunchy. Lee Ling& co. were at McDonald’s too. Puffs after your meal,

Nicholas and Yewchong called you up as thy were on their way back t meet us up. Walked over t Plaza’s Bus Stop, Nicholas and you decided t whack th crazy man who molested me and then we went home.